Saturday, August 25, 2007

Superman #665 - DC

This story is written by Kurt Busiek. I got nothing but admiration for this guy. He crafts some truly spectacular stories and story-lines. Rick Leonardi does the pencils for this issue. I'm also a big fan of his. Most of his stuff was done for Marvel, but he's done some here. But, this is where I prove a point that I've made previously. Inkers can make or break pencillers. I don't think that they try to. Obviously that wouldn't be in their best interests. But certain inkers don't mesh well with certain pencillers. That is definitely the case here. Andre Parks does the inks on Rick's pencils. And he is way, way to heavy handed on his lines. I can see Rick's usual style shining through in most of the panels, but some, especially the first page . . . the lines have just totally obscured it. I would love to see Rick do more work at DC. But they're definitely going to have to find a different inker than Andre. It just doesn't work. But . . that's my opinion. The story is the origin, basically of Jimmy Olsen. With all the hype in his direction right now . . . you know . . Mr. Action, they have to give some of the newer readers the scoop into his beginnings. They've added some little twists into the story. Some things that may prove to be helpful with future story-lines. Also it's in the very beginnings of Intergang. There's a new group on the scene, that I'm sure we'll be hearing more about in the future, called the Ten. They're very mysterious, and in the end of the story they end up arresting four of the group. But the rest have hit the wind. Which is why I'm sure they'll be popping up at some time or another with a vendetta towards Superman and Jimmy. But like I said, it's mainly about when Jimmy first came on to the scene at the Planet, and the start of his and Superman's burgeoning friendship. Overall, a very nice story. Despite the artistic glitches.

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