Saturday, August 18, 2007

the Mighty Avengers #4 - Marvel

Ok, our team is still trying to figure out how to fight the whole Tony Stark / Ultron thing. They don't know for sure that Tony's dead. But they do know that Ultron has assimilated his body and armor. And with Tony's body, comes all of his knowledge. Like the weather satellites that Ultron is now taking control of to change the weather patterns all over the globe. But they only figure this out after one of Tony's drones shows up. It's been programmed to come to the team's aid should Tony be killed. Ares beats it up a little bit. He thinks it's a Trojan horse. But after they bring it back on line, it helps them sort through some of what Tony would do. But by then it's to late. All Carol can do is send Simon and Bob out in to space to destroy the satellites. So then she disrupts the power grid . . . in the whole country. They figure out that it originated from Stark towers. Where she has now taken control of Tony's whole army of Iron Man drone's. But she's really only doing that to stall the rest of the team . . . while she kills Bob's wife. That one's going to send him over the edge. Meanwhile Ares is tearing his way through the various Iron Man armors, when, as he's ripping one apart, he says " . . I know how to stop her." But in the meantime, on the final page, we see that Ultron has hacked in to all the defense computers and obtained all the launch codes. She's getting ready to wipe out all life on the planet. But not until next issue. Great story by Brian Michael Bendis. With fantastic art by Frank Cho. This book is definitely living up to the Avenger's tradition.

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