Saturday, August 18, 2007

Heroes for Hire #12 - Marvel

I know we're dealing with the whole Hulk War thing, but this book is getting a little strange for me. Last issue Humbug took one of the little Gremlin thingy guys, after Shang-Chi killed it, and splattered it's green blood all over the rest of the team. He said it was because the hivelings, I think they're called, didn't see in the traditional sense. But recognized the other's in the group by their smell. So if he put that smell on all of them, essentially they would be invisible to them. The reason they have to go through all this? Well, when the Hulk returned to Earth it brought some kind of alien insect with it. So the hivelings are actually looking for a home for the Queen to lay her egg-sac. The problem is that if the eggs hatch, the insects will overrun the earth, wiping out all human life. So our team has to sneak on board their ship, find the Queen, and stop her. Of course it's never going to be that easy. The Queen is in charge of the hive, but she still has a King in charge of the army. And he's not as easily fooled as the hivelings. Plus they're not very happy when they figure out that, " . . these humanoids murdered one of our brethren in cold blood." And they have their own humanoid-type warriors. Very powerful and efficient ones actually. So while the rest of the team is battle these guys, Humbug has snuck off to find the Queen. Which she has, but from the final page of the story it looks like she's seduced him in to coming over to their side, since he's kneeling before her. Like I said, kind of a strange story. And they still have the monkey-boy thingy with them too. I just think this team needs to find some direction. They've been pulled in every which way since issue #1. But they aren't really like the Avengers or Defenders or anything. So some of the things they've done seem improbable for the type of group they are. The only one who's actually stayed in character, consistently, is Palladin. I don't know. The whole concept seems a bit . . . aimless to me right now. Maybe something will become more clear after this whole Hulk War thing. At least I hope so.

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