Saturday, August 11, 2007

Spawn #169 - Image

This book really has a couple of things going for it. First is that David Hine is writing it. He came from out of nowhere a year or so ago, wrote some stuff for Marvel, and now he's doing Spawn. How lucky is he? But, he really does a fantastic job. Then we have Brian Haberlin on pencils and inks. And some of these panels are really amazing. He's a very detailed artist. And I thought the coloring of the book was very true to the mood that was being set by the story. Overall, a very nice book. This particular story deals with Nyx. She's the witch that took care of Spawn when he was stuck in his Al form, a few issues ago. Yes she did kind of take advantage of him. And yes now she does regret that. And not just because her powers were taken from her. She really does feel bad about what she's done. So anyways, she's down in New Orleans to see a magic man about restoring her powers. But on the way she stumbles across Suzanne Lefevre. "La Plus celebre, La Plus puissant mambo in all of New Orleans." So we learn that when it comes to witchcraft, there's really not to much that's a matter of chance. Nyx tells her where she's heading and why. She doesn't know why she tells her all this, but it spills out of her. Suzanne tries to warn her that the mans she's going to see is a charlatan. But she's desperate to get her powers back, so she doesn't really care. He uses some of the little knowledge he has to concoct a chemical to paralyze her. Luckily for her, he's not a sexual deviant. He's working for someone else. But also luckily for her, Suzanne has followed her and she invokes Spawn's name, calling him to the home. Which is good, because Nyx has been inhabited by Zera, the fallen angel. She's mad at Spawn for beheading her, so she's going to get back at him through Nyx. But between Suzanne and Spawn they cast her off and Nyx's powers are returned to her. She also confides in Spawn about how she took advantage of him, and she wouldn't blame him if he never talked to her again. Actually . . she's afraid he's going to kill her. But Spawn forgives her. It seems that the basis of the recent stories is to show us the cracks in Spawn's new world here. Good and evil are supposed to be gone. But they're trying to creep back in. That's the stories that I think we're seeing. The stories of the cracks. But . . like I said . . fantastic job by Hine and Haberlin. I just hope that we get Spawn moving in a certain direction pretty soon. He just seems to be the world's body-guard right now. Oh, and by the way, no I don't have a picture of the cover. Can't seem to find one right now. But when I do, I'll put it in here.

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