Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wolverine #71 - Marvel

The only problem I have with this story-arc . . and this book in general, right now is . . . how the hell are they going to find a story good enough to follow up this story-arc with? Right now . . this book is incredible. Mark Millar has turned in such a fantastic story here, he's introduced so many cool ideas . . how could they ever hope to follow this one up? Also Steve McNiven is turning in some of the best work I've seen from him. Ever! So what do they do from here? I guess I do have one complaint. I guess in this future, the Venom symbiote is roaming the country free of a host. It's been following Logan and Clint across the country. But we don't really find out why. It decides to make it's move and takes over one of the Tyrannosaurus Rex . . but before any damage could be done, Emma transports her husband in, Black Bolt, to take out the threat. So we never really find out what Venom was up to. Or if that was it . . is he/it done? I have a feeling he's going to pop up again. Mostly because I don't believe Mark would just leave something hanging like that. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Anyways, the guys finally make it the rest of the way across the country to New Babylon. And we finally learn what it was that Clint was transporting . . 99 vials of super-soldier serum. This Tobias character is the front-man for the rebel alliance on the east-coast and he wants to put together a new super-team . . composed of the 99 members of the alliance. However, it turns out all to be a trap. It's actually a sting operation put together by SHIELD. But apparently SHIELD has changed in the future because when the truth comes out, first they unload on Logan, and then . . then Tobias puts a bullet straight into Clint's forehead. It appears that this story-line is done. What future does it have? We'll have to wait until next issue to find out.

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