Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hellblazer #252 - Vertigo

I love Peter Milligan's stories. They always end up being fantastic. The only thing is, in the middle . . sometimes it's hard to tell what's really going on. That's the way I'm seeing this story-arc. John is covered with scabs and lesions. And they seem to be affecting the people around him. As does the rest of his 'magic' . . . most of the time. But this time it's affecting a woman that he's trying to have a normal relationship with. Yeah . . right. Somehow the scabs that flaked off of him when he was at Pheeb's apartment have come into a life of their own. I assume, 5 or 6 years ago, Pheeb had an abortion. The scabs that John left behind, by accident, have grown into a child that now wants to see it's mother. It tells John . . "I . . I'd like to build some kind of relationship with her. Get to know her. I might not be normal but I'm still a person, with rights. I have memories. I feel emotions." However, I think all of this revolves around a man named Lawrence . . actually Sir Lawrence. It has to do with someone he had dealings with in the past, Mal Brady. Red Mal. A Docker's union negotiator. Something happened during this business, or transaction, and now it's coming back. I don't know the 'hows' or 'whys' yet, but . . that's my best guess. Now I just have to wait for the story to progress a little farther and all the pieces to start coming together. And somewhere along the line I'll have an epiphany and think . . "Of course! I should've known it all along." In the meantime . . John's heading to Liverpool. Giuseppe Camuncoli does the art for this issue. I think this is a great book and a fantastic character. It's one of those books that leaves you thinking about things. Usually things you'd probably rather not be thinking about.

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