Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ultimate X-Men #100 - Marvel

That's it. That's the final issue in this series. Man . . that sucks! This book has really been hitting it's groove the last 8 to 12 issues. There is going to be one more issue, after Ultimatum is over. There's going to be an Ultimatum: X-Men Requiem. But I'm not sure there will be very many X-Men left by then. They're dropping like flies. The core group of the X-Men have found their way back to the mansion. They've gone there to regroup . . to figure out what their next move is. Meanwhile Wolverine has gone to the Savage Land in search of Jamie Maddrox . . the original. Basically, Jamie has been providing Magneto with his army. And they've been going around and blowing up everything. This issue they take out Parliament. They've also attacked the mansion, so the X-Men have to fight them as soon as they've returned home. They can't seem to gain an advantage so Rogue lip-locks with him and absorbs his power. Which gives them enough of an advantage for Jean to use her power and try to control them. Her hold is tenuous at best though. Luckily, she holds on just long enough though as Wolverine, with Kazar's help, finds Jamie and kills him. I thought this was a great issue. Even if . . sadly it was the last. Aron E Coleite and Mark Brooks have really been doing a bang-up job with this title recently. I can't believe it's over. There's an issue or 2 of Ultimate Spider-man left, and then an issue or 2 of Ultimatum. And then . . I guess that's it. I hope not. But . . that's what it looks like. I really am sad to see this book go. I know that I gave it some grief along the way, but . .

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