Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dark Avengers #2 - Marvel

This book was . . to say the least, interesting. I'm not sure if it's suitable for it to carry the 'Avengers' title, but . . I guess that's the point. They aren't really the Avengers, but Norman doesn't care. He's trying to throw everything he can in the face of those who oppose him, and this is just one more way for him to give them all the big 'F#$% You!'. For me, the best part of the book, without a doubt, was Mike Deodato's art. It was fantastic . . through and through. But, I do have to give some credit to Brian Bendis for the story. It was kind of like 'the A-Team' meets the 'Avengers'. I guess that dates me a little. And, to look back at the 'A-Team' they probably seem kind of lame. But, at the time . . they were the coolest thing on TV. The thing I kind of like about this title is that Norman actually thinks he can hold the reigns on all of these guys. I mean, 1 or 2 maybe. But this group? There's just no way that he's going to be able to keep them all in check. I think it's only a matter of time before 1 or 2 of them start formulating their own agendas. This issue he tells them he wants to start making a list of the targets they're going after. How skewed is that list gonna' be? I don't know, I just can't see him holding all of this together for that long. HAMMER, maybe. But that's a police and political organization. Although he has recruited members of SHIELD and HYDRA. He could be stirring the soup a little bit there, also. Anyways, their first battle comes when Morgana Le Fay attacks Dr Doom in Latveria. Norman doesn't really want it to be their first mission, but . . they have to do something. They strike hard, and look like they get the advantage. However, by the end of the issue Morgana has used her mystic arts to seize control of a few of their members. This is going to turn ugly before it gets better. Overall, I like the issue. I thought it was interesting, and neat in a few spots. It's only issue #2. So I'll give it a chance and see where Brian goes with all of this. It could work . . or not.

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