Monday, June 09, 2008

X-Men Legacy #212 - Marvel

We got a special treat in this issue. Scott Eaton has been the regular artist on this book, and he's been doing a fantastic job. Well . . in this issue, for the flashback scenes . . or Charles' mind-scape, or whatever . . Mike Deodato Jr. does the pencils on those pages. It's really some stunning looking stuff. And of course Mike Carey is the writer extraordinaire. Remy pops up in this issue. He says that he got wind of a contract being offered through the Assassin's Guild, and he found out the Charles name was on the list. The other names are Sebastian Shaw, Cain Marko and Carter Ryking. Unfortunately they got to Carter last issue, almost immediately after Charles went to see him. Also, all of the names, except for Sebastian's, had fathers that worked at the Nuclear Research facility at Alamogordo. So that's where Charles and Remy are heading to look for answers. In the mean time Sebastian is also on the trail. When his . . whatever it was . . exploded at the Hellfire Club last issue, he discovered that there was an energy field that had passed through the Club. Also, it's spiked twice since then. It's on a regular cycle of every 23 hours. He crosses paths with Charles at the hospital where Carter was staying. Now, although Charles doesn't know it yet, Sebastian is following him. It's a long trip to Alamogordo, so they have to stop along the way. During that respite, the next energy wave hits, and when it does . . some more assassins attack. On the final page we see that Sinister seems to be controlling all of this with the mind of . . . a little boy. Questions, questions, questions. But since this is the first time we've delved this far back in to Charles' past . . or that of his parents . . I'm sure we're going to have a lot more questions, before we're done. I like the direction that this book is taking. And I also like that any preconceived notions about Charles . . can be tossed out the window. Charles doesn't know who he is . . and apparently . . neither do we. It's a new ball-game now.

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