Saturday, June 28, 2008

DC Special: Raven #4 - DC

Well, there's only one more issue of this mini-series left, and Raven is finally starting to get some answers to the questions that have been plaguing her. At the end of this issue, she finds out that it isn't Laura's father, Dr. Davis that is the real "bad-guy" here. Although, he is the one that got the Medusa Mask and is attempting to use it to cure his daughter. And he is the one, that by doing so, is unleashing a torrent of emotions on the surrounding area, which includes Strages Academy . . Raven's, Rachel Roth's, school. No, unfortunately he's just been the recipient of some bad karma because of some of the choices that he's made. Although he did have the best of intentions. His fate is actually the product of his environment. No the true "bad-guy" behind this whole series so far has been . . . . Laura . . the daughter. Even though she's been unconscious, it appears that she's been manipulating events somehow. We don't get all the specifics yet . . they have to leave something for the final issue . . but, we do get the picture that she's the actual antagonist. Also, somehow, Rachel, Raven, still has to prevent the shooting that will occur tomorrow from the bell-tower. I'm really enjoying Marv Wolfman's story here. Who better to write it since he created her. And Damion Scott's pencil's are really . . off the hook. I'm thoroughly enjoying the psychedelic type style that he's taken with this book. It's fantastic. And right now, it's all lead up to next issue. Will Laura be the new Psycho-Pirate? I hope so, because that character is actually the perfect nemesis for Raven. They're almost the antithesis of each other.

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