Sunday, June 01, 2008

Project Superpowers #3 - Dynamite Entertainment

I think this book is fantastic. Alex Ross, Jim Krueger and Carlos Paul are all doing an incredible job here. I really like the way the story is unfolding. There's literally dozens of heroes here, but we're getting introduced to them a few at a time, each issue. We follow the Fighting Yank, the lynch-pin character, along with the Green Lama and the Black Terror back to Shangri-La this issue. It's the Green Lama's home, and it's supposed to be the perfect place . . the hidden place. But, unbeknownst to them, the Black Terror is covered with microscopic tracers, that Mr. Dynamic put there before they left, which has led his army, the American Crusaders, directly to their doorstep. So now they have to fight, not only for their own lives, but to stop Shangri-La from burning to the ground. When I said that Samson returned last issue . . he did, but . . he wasn't in the urn. Back in the final moments of the war, he tried to stop a bomb in the skies over Nagasaki. It exploded, and that's the last he was seen. But now . . he's back . . for some reason. The Yank assumed that he was with the rest of the heroes, but that wasn't the case. His return is a completely different mystery. But the Silver Scarab, the Devil, Hydro, V-Man, Masquerade and Mr. Face all were captured . . and now they're all popping up in different places all over the globe. I think, however, that the reason we're not focusing to much attention on any of these other heroes though, is because I think this whole story revolves around the Fighting Yank, and his attempt to right the wrongs he pushed on to his friends and allies. Plus I really don't think we know the whole story of the urn yet. If it was necessary for him to capture all the heroes in the urn, to save the world, then there must also be a reason why now is the time for all of them to escape. But we haven't got the whole picture yet. At the end of this issue, the Yank collapses on to the ground, with the American Spirit covering him. We're not sure if he's dead, or not. I've thoroughly enjoyed each and every issue of this book. I find it completely entertaining and a brilliant drama. Keep up the good work, guys!

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