Sunday, June 08, 2008

Ghost Rider #23 - Marvel

This issue by no means wraps up the Zadkiel story-line. But . . I think it does take care of the New Beulah, Montana, part of it. Johnny has pretty much wiped out the nurses, he's delivered the last of the cannibal's living relative to them, and Lucas . . whom he was hoping would help him figure out the way to Heaven . . is gone. He committed suicide. But, we do have a new person that's involved himself in the story. And, really, it's the person you would've least expected . . . Danny Ketch. We don't know the hows or why's yet, but he seems to have a special interest in Johnny Blaze. Also, I'm not sure if he's working with Zadkiel, but at the very least, he seems to know what he's planning. I like the way Jason Aaron is handling this story. He has just the right amount of suspense and anticipation. Also he's not feeding us the information to quickly. However, I really don't like Roland Boschi's art. The guy's got some talent. I just don't know if he's right for this book. His style works with the mayhem and carnage that occurs regularly in this book, but . . it just doesn't feel right to me. It doesn't quite fit. Next issue Tan Eng Huat takes over on pencils. I'm familiar with his style. But, I haven't seen to much of him since he did that Doom Patrol series a couple of years ago. I'm not sure that his style will fit any better with this series, but . . I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Overall, I'm still enjoying the book, and I think we've taken some interesting turns with this last story-arc.

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