Sunday, June 08, 2008

the Mighty Avengers #14 - Marvel

I think I was a little confused about what all was happening in this issue. But, I think, that's the way we're supposed to feel. I think this whole Skrull thing is supposed to be a bit confusing right now. Some information we do get, though, is that one of the reasons this whole Invasion thing has taken so much time, is because with everything else going on in the Marvel Universe The Skrulls thought it would be a good idea to let some of it play out first . . before they made their move. Thin the herd . . as it were. You know . . the Hulk situation, the Registration act, the Mutant Messiah . . they might as well let the humans get as many of themselves out of the way as possible. We've already learned that Spider-woman is actually the Empress and Jarvis seems to be on their team also. The Skrulls actually have a little "meeting of minds", as it were, this issue. It seems that the only thing that both sides can agree on . . the Sentry is a wild-card, in all aspects of the word. Nobody seems to know his abilities, his power-set, or . . given the circumstances, what he may do. They also touch on the space-ship full of old heroes. The problem is, they're in a Skrull ship and we really only have their word when they say they've been held captive by the Skrulls this whole time. Which, to me, really does beg the question . . when the Skrulls replace someone . . what do they do with the original? Do they kill them? Do they put them in storage? Are they captive? What? By the end of the issue, it appears that the Skrulls have driven Bob crazy. He's flown out to Saturn to apparently exile himself, but when Lindy's life is threatened, it looks like the Void has come to her rescue. From the looks of things, I think she's more scared of him than of the attack. I thought it was an interesting book. Brian Bendis is really juggling a lot, with this whole Skrull story-line, both teams of Avengers, and keeping everything straight across the rest of the Marvel Universe. Good luck with that! Khoi Pham does the pencils this issues. I thought they were pretty good. I liked 'em. But to me, the main thing with this book is . . I'm glad to see that it's back on track and caught up with the rest of it's Marvel-ous counterparts. I knew they could do it!

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