Saturday, June 02, 2007

Welcome to Tranquility #6 - Wildstorm

This issue wraps up the first storyline of the book. Who killed Mr. Articulate. And generally it served it's purpose. It's introduced us to most of the main characters in our little suburb. And it's shown us that once they've retired, and come to this town, that the relative assumptions of "good guys" or "bad guys" no longer apply. It would seem that everybody comes here on an equal footing, and then it's up to them on how they live out their twilight years. As an example, Henry Hate actually ends up helping Maximum Man. He was the only one that still knew what his secret word was. And the Mayor, who used to be a "hero", decided to cross the line and do something he never would've dreamed of, to keep their secret. And Leona, a young kid who wanted to be a hero, found herself in the position of having to make a choice, and she made the wrong one. For which she's been wallowing in guilt for ever since. And the Sheriff, who only wanted to find a community to watch over, has come to love everything about this one. Good or bad. Like I said, this first storyline really helped to introduce us to this town and it's people. Now, I think, we can start to have fun with some of the characters. Fantastic job by Gail Simone and Neil Googe. I already thought Gail was brilliant. But now I'm starting to feel the same way about Neil. I like his work, but I don't think we've seen his best yet. Not because he isn't trying, but rather because I think this guy is just going to get better and better. Like I said in a previous post, I put him in the same league as Todd McFarlane. You know . . . he started out with a unique style, then he just got better, and pretty soon he was at the top of his game. I think we'll see the same out of Neil.

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