Thursday, June 07, 2007

Checkmate #14 - DC

Part 3 of the CheckOut storyline. And it's a thrill ride. We ended the last issue with the sea-monster coming up to attack the Pequod. Grace and Anissa go outside together and make pretty short work of it. There also seems to be a bit of subterfuge going on here, on the part of Checkmate anyways. Werner was supposed to keep an eye on Boomer, but then he lets it slip, "I've done this kind of stuff before, I did it for Waller last year she . . .", and with that she's on Sasha's team. Werner tells him to shut-up, but he plays stupid, "For Waller, you know, the white queen. I . . . uh . . . I say something wrong?" On their way into the island, Sasha and Dick are trading a bunch of Batman stories. Actually, more like quips, I guess. Enough that Boomer and Josephine notice it, "You get the feeling those two have some history they're not sharing with us?" They make it all the way to the data hub. But when they up-link to steal their files . . . . . "Somethings invading the system. It's targeting the operations software . . . it's inverting the data-stream, it's uploading our files to Oolong, instead of the other way around. We have to shut the network down!" But the only way to do that, is to take the whole system offline, which Mr. Terrific makes the choice to do. "You . . just . . . you just abandoned them . . . .", Jessica says to Michael. "Them or us. It'll . . . it'll be all right, we'll get them back . . . . they can take care of themselves . . ." Of course Michael can see the final page of the book, where Sasha and Dick's team is surrounded by the 4 horsemen. This might be a little more than they can handle. I can just hear Dick saying now, "Holy Kingdom Come Batman!" But seriously, they're in deep dodo right now. And yes, that's the technical phrase for it. Well, you can't say that this story-arc isn't going to leave you on the edge of your seats. Like I said, Greg Rucka and Judd Winick teamed up on this story, is just phenomenal. These 2 are brilliant. And Joe Bennett's pencils on this issue are just as impressive. It should be interesting to see all this is all going to shake out. I'll see you in a week or 2, back in the Outsiders.

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