Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Power Girl #7 - DC

Vartox originally appeared in Superman #281, November 1974. That's a long time ago. Obviously, from the way he dresses and acts, he was a product of that 60's and 70's type character. It appears that he and his world have been stuck in that frame of mind for the last 35 years. Anyways, he comes to Earth because his planet is attacked by aliens. He's about to beat them when they set off a contraceptive bomb. Well, as you can guess, a contraceptive bomb makes all of the inhabitants of Valeron sterile. Now I have 2 questions about this. The first is . . I thought Valeron was destroyed quite a while ago in a story-arc that involved Superman and Vartox. Maybe it was a hoax or mistake, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened because Vartox came to live on Earth for a little while. Anyways, my second question is . . Vartox has come to Earth this time because he's chosen Kara as his potential mate. He wants to make sure his race doesn't die out. But, if a contraception bomb went off, wouldn't it sterilize the males as well as the females? So even if he meets someone who finds the handlebar mustache, and the Village People chest hair attractive . . he's still shooting blanks. Right? I don't know. I'm just askin'. Anyways, he brings some extremely dangerous animal to Earth, in case he has to fight and subdue it to attract Power Girls attention. The problem is . . the cosmic leash that he had it attached to has been destroyed. And when Kara tries to freeze it and bust it apart into several pieces . . it just makes more of them. Apparently, IX Negaspike is a self-replicating, asexual creature. Whatever the case . . Kara's now going to have to help Vartox subdue and return it. Except for the questions I had earlier, I think Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti are doing a great job with this series. I love the humor and light-heartedness that they've written into the characters. But then Kara has always been a character who's not quite as full of herself as other 'heroes'. Also Amanda Conner's art gives this series a great feel. I enjoy this book much more than I thought I would. Just for the heck of it, I thought I'd include the original cover from Superman. Just so you can see what he looked like way back when. He actually kind of looks like Sean Connery. Not the older grey-haired one most of us know. But the young one that appeared in the 007 movies. Anyways, this is a great book and I look forward to it every month.

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