This issue gives us a little more of the background story on how Kate found herself in this position . . becoming Batwoman. After getting kicked out of the Army she decided to use her training and intelligence to chase bad guys. Actually, I think she first got involved when she stumbled across a gun-smuggling ring. Anyways, she's not very discreet and Renee, Detective Montoya, is the first to find her in the wrong place at the wrong time. Next her father stumbles across her little cache hidden in her house. She's begun to see the Bat-symbol as a 'call to arms'. 'I finally found a way to serve.' Seeing as how she's his little girl, he decides to help her. He helps her get more equipment . . the right equipment, and he sends her out for the next 2 years, cashing in every favor he can, to make sure she has the right training and preparation. 'If you're going to do it, you need to do it right . . we're in this together.' And then he gives her a little advice . .'Make no mistake, you do this, you're going to war. Define the goal. Define the objective. Define the terms of victory. Because if victory means bringing your mother and sister back, you've already lost. If victory means taking revenge for what happened to them, you've already lost. But if the objective is to save just one life . . to protect one innocent . . to keep one person from having their life shattered in violence . . and to come home alive when you're done . . then you can prevail. And god help whatever poor bastard tries to stand in your way.' I think it brilliant all the steps Greg Rucka takes Kate through to develop here character. But all of that is in the past. In the present . . Kate gets the results back from the DNA tests that she asked her friend to do for her.

It's not spelled out exactly, but . . I think Alice . . the leader of the psychos that were trying to kill Kate and her father . . I think she was actually Kate's twin sister, Elizabeth. So now Kate has to live with not only losing her sister, but . . she may also have been the one to kill her. That is . . assuming that Alice is dead. We don't really know that for sure. I thought this was a fantastic issue by Greg and JH Williams III. I'm loving watching this character develop. In the backup, also by Greg and Cully Hamner, Renee and Helena have decided to take a rest and go to visit Tot. Helena's never actually met him, but just knowing that he knew Vic brings back a whole bunch of old feelings and memories for her. They've been trying to cause a little trouble in the pocketbook of organized crime, and they're thinking that it's only a matter of time before they strike back. Unfortunately that time is now, because someone has followed them back to Tot's. This title has really come back. I'm looking forward to it, again, every month.
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