Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Justice League of America #40 - DC

This issue and last . . Justice League Detroit gets back together. Well . . kind of. The group of Leaguers that came back to the Hall of Justice included Mari, Kimiyo, Cindy, Zatanna, Plastic Man and Red Tornado. So the Black Lanterns that came to attack them included Zatarra, last issue, and Vibe, Steel and Doctor Light. I'm starting to think that there's a reason why the Black Lanterns aren't just killing the 'heroes' right off. I mean, if they would just stop with all the rhetoric, and just go straight for the heart they'd probably take them out pretty fast. But they just seem to want to goad them. I mean, I know they seem to thrive on emotion . . that's what powers their rings, but . . all that pushing and prodding just serves to get the 'heroes' focused and then they come up with some sort of an attack to sever the Black ring's connection. For example, this issue they stretch Plastic Man's lenses, to magnify the light, and then Mari and Kimiyo focus their light powers through it to take out the Black Lanterns. The 'heroes' beat them, but . . they also take quite a beating in the process. In the end, the only one left standing is Cindy, Gypsy. Zatanna took out Zatarra, but it took everyone else combined to take out Vibe, Steel and Doctor Light. And now . . they're in shambles. But they say what doesn't kill you only serves to make you stronger. So . . these guys ought to be invincible by now. If they weren't broken like rag dolls. James Robinson is the perfect writer for this story because of the fantastic dialogue he scripts between these characters. He's got the perfect mind to bring the Black Lanterns to the level where they're basically driving a spike through the heart of these characters with their words. I've also enjoyed Mark Bagley's art on this series. These two make a great team. Next issue they're going to get the team going in a new direction . . a new era, if you will. And it looks like the roster is going to include Batman, Green Lantern, the Atom, Green Arrow, Donna Troy, the Guardian, Cyborg, Mon-El, Starfire, Dr. Light and Congorilla. So apparently this is what will happen to the League after Cry for Justice. I really like this book. This is a great book and team. And it looks like . . in the future . . it's only going to get better.

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