Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wednesday Comics #5 - DC

I finally got caught up on last weeks books so I can begin on this weeks. I'm excited because I got some great looking DC books starting out this stack. Were up to issue 5 now on this series, and the stories are starting to come together for me. Batman's looking into Carlton Glass' murder, but he's been looking into it as Bruce. Carlton was a socialite, much like he. But now, with the attempt on Luna's life at her father's funeral, by Hardy Stone, some hired muscle, it's time for him to don the Batman persona and go at it from that direction. In the Kamandi story, brilliantly drawn by Ryan Sook, Kamandi, Tuftan and the girl are all taken captive by the Apes and their leader Baaku. He's especially happy to have captured Prince Tuftan. Now they're headed by to thier city as slaves. Clark has gone back to Smallville to try to find some perspective. He's looking at his old ship, in the basement of the barn, realizing that he's not been 'normal' since he arrived on this planet. He's longing for Krypton, where . ."Things were normal. Until they weren't." And then his birth parents had to send him off. Boston Brand has been brought back to life only to have to suffer the tortures of hell. Now that he has flesh and bones again, all he has to do is escape 3 demons that are trying to kill him. In the end he gets impaled from behind. Hal's thinking back to when he and Dill were competing for the space launch. There were 30 some guys there as recruits, but really it always came down to he and Dill. His biggest frustration was that Dill was so level-headed . . he took everything so calmly. Hal was always ready to just jump in the rocket and take off. Simon Stagg and company are getting ready to go after the Atlantis diamond when their troupe is attacked by a cloud of Chlorine gas. Element-girl reacts quickly and she and Rex soon turn the cloud into table salt. But they now realize that someone is trying to kill them. In the Titans story, Caroline Lee the agent of SMASH who's come out to help the Titans, doesn't have any lost love for 'heroes'. She considers firemen, policemen and doctors to be the true heroes. But she learns a little bit about sacrifice when Beetle puts himself in danger with Trident to help out his teammates, Kory and Tim. She's starting to realize why the heroes can't always be around everytime we 'think' we need them. The Paul Pope chapter of Adam Strange was a little bland. We learn a little about Rannian landscape, but that's about it. Supergirl has to save the plane that Streaky ripped the tail off of. She begs Krypto for help, but . . he's a dog. What do you expect. After the debacle, they both just sit at her feet . . looking cute and begging for attention. She's really confused as to their actions. Will Magnus has found out that the bank robbery is actually an attempt by Dr. Bela Pretorius to get some revenge on the student that he believes to have betrayed him . . Will. He's got a bomb strapped to himself and he's ready to take Will, the Metal Men and everybody else with him straight to hell. Have I mentioned lately how Jose Luis Garcia Lopez is one of my all-time favorite artists? Well . . he is. It's great to see him on this story. In Diana's latest dreams, she's gone to the city of Shangri-La in the Himalayas. There she comes across Priscilla Rich who is in search of the Tiara of Sakyamunis, one of the seven stars of the Amazons. This is probably the most intricate story in this parchment, but it's also the most confusing. I almost think that Ben Caldwell is trying to put to much into this story. Basically, this one was a dream showing Diana where her Tiara came from. Sgt Rock is still being tortured by the Nazis, while the rest of Easy Co is in a cave below the city with some refugees. The Flash story is also a bit confusing to me. There's 2 flashes present, apparently one came back from the immediate future to help stop Grodd. But, he's also created a quantum singularity . . an infant universe for him by using his speed. And, in the Iris part of the story, Barry commits to not being the Flash anymore so that he can save his marriage. The story is done in 2 separate parts. I know they're related, and connected, somehow. I just don't see it yet. In the Demon/Catwoman story, it appears that it's the machinations of Morgana Le Fey that have brought these 2 together. He believes the cat to be her totem and is returning it to her so that he might strike at her in person. But . . she's really manipulated the whole thing because somehow Selina . . or rather her body, can help Morgana return to her youthful vigor. Finally, Hawkman has to save the plane of innocents that he just rescued from being taken over by aliens. However, now the plane has lost a wing and is in free-fall. He tries to steer it over the ocean. Overall, I thought this batch of stories were interesting. Some fit the format . . some didn't. But, it's an experiment and things aren't always going to be perfect. But I enjoyed it.

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