Wednesday, August 19, 2009

GeNeXt United #4 - Marvel

Ok, so this is the issue of a mini-series that basically a filler. By that I mean . . in most mini-series there's a flow to the story that goes through all the issues. However, in my opinion, when a series is longer than 4 issues . . especially those 10 and 12 issue series . . you always end up with an issue that's basically filler. You could skip the issue entirely and you'd still be able to follow the story by reading the rest. Yes there's some progress to the story in it, but . . it's basically an issue used to get some of the plot-threads in place so everything's ready for the final issue. Or, for the long ones, when a new story-arc is started in the middle. Really, this whole issue could've been done in about 4, no . . let's say 6 pages. Last issue when Oli absorb's Sati's power there's a huge release of energy, and the whole team is spread across the continent . . an act of preservation, I guess. Anyways, they're put into others lives to be hidden in the sub-culture of a race . . billions of people. So we go into a detailed explanation of who and where they are . . oblivious that they've been altered. Then, Remy and his daughter Ray come searching for Oli. He's the first to remember who he is. But his body hasn't changed back. He then goes about the country finding the rest of his team. Most are glad to be reunited, but some . . like N0-name . . actually prefer their new existence. Anyways, they all end up back together, in the Blackbird, and on their way to complete their mission. "Simple . . we find the bad guys. We defeat the bad guys. We save our friends. And we take back our true bodies." And with Remy's help, they know where to find Kalima's base. And that's it. That's what happened this issue. I'm not discounting Chris Claremont's talents. It was well written, and although basically meaningless . . it was interesting. To me, it just felt like a real little part of the story that was stretched out to fill up an issue. And of course Jonboy Meyers' art captured the flavor of the story perfectly. So, I'm guessing, next issue will be more interesting because that'll be the issue that wraps this whole thing up. Cool cover, though. Huh?

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