Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Power Girl #4 - DC

I'm not sure what I like the most about this book. Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti are doing some fantastic stories here. There's action, intrigue, humor, and . . Terra is running around this issue trying to help Karen, but because she didn't have her uniform on under her clothes, she's left to fight in what looks like a 'Hello Kitty' t-shirt and underwear. They're fighting these ogres and trolls, and she's got a little red lady-bug on her bum. It's hilarious. Also, there's an interesting story going on with Karen and her company at the Wylie Science Center. Anyways, the point is, there's a lot of potential here, and so far the boys are taking it nice and slow. But, the other thing I love about this book is Amanda Conner's art. It's fantastic, and perfect for this series. It's fresh and fun, and even a little sexy is spots. Power Girl should be a more light-hearted character. She doesn't have all the weight of 2 worlds weighing down on her like her cousins. She should be able to enjoy life a little more. Yes she's trying to get her research lab up and running, she's got financial obligations to worry about, but . . she's continually upbeat and hopeful. It's what I find the most attractive about her character. Yes I know. She's a babe. But . . she's also got a fantastic personality. And between Justin & Jimmy, and Amanda . . her portrayal is spot on. This issue she fights a girl with a magic book. Actually she's a teenager and she's worried about the future of the world and all . . she wants to save the planet. Anyways, Karen figures out that the book is the source of her power, and after cutting her off from it, and she becomes a normal teenager again, she offers her a job rather than arrest her. "If you truly want to help the planet, I can get you a paid internship at Progressive Green Works. Just stop by the 4th floor of the Wylie Science Center on Monday and ask for Richard. It's the kind of company where your enthusiasm for nature will be appreciated." It's the kind of book that's just fun to read. Plus it has some great covers.

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