Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Final Crisis Aftermath - Run! #4 - DC

I like this mini-series. I think the Human Flame is an interesting character. He's a degenerate, low-life, SOB, but . . he's interesting. This issue, between he and the Seductress, they end up taking out most of General Immortus's army. However, I don't think that's necessarily the end of them. Afterall, the good General did put them together, and give them their powers in the first place. So as long as he, and his scientist, survive . . they can probably pick up the pieces and rebuild. They may not look the same, or have the same powers, but . . I think he can work with what he's got. Anyways, for whatever reason the Seductress has decided that she to needs to escape from the General and is apparently helping the Flame to do so also. However, as much as I think he likes her attention, his main goal is escape and the acquisition of power . . or, I should say, more power. In the end they end up at STAR labs. The scientist tells him, "Cellular microfission! STAR labs just outside of town. Turn your cells into miniature nuclear reactors. Lots of power there. I was going to try it on you next". But before they jump into the frying pan, the Seductress asks him why . . why more power? "As long as I have to sneak around, flee the scene of the crime . . as long as I have to run from the people that are after me . . them I'm not powerful enough". He's about to get more than he bargained for. When he opens the doors to the lab he comes face to face with a 26-dimensional Hypergriffin. I'm not sure what it is either, but it looks like it's more than he can handle. Matthew Sturges and Freddie Williams II are doing a great job with this book. Action, adventure, intrigue, betrayal . . they've got it all here.

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