Wednesday, August 26, 2009

the Last Days of Animal Man #4 - DC

Ok . . so now we know this story is set in the future. 2014 to be exact. Buddy belongs to the League of Titans, who is trying to help him reverse his power loss, and they have a base in New York Harbor. Last issue ended with Buddy in a lip-lock with Kory. Don't worry. He knows it's wrong. It was just a moment of weakness. However, he doesn't have long to dwell on it because soon Bloodrage and Prismatik attack. Bloodrage is trying to take out Buddy, while Prismatik is using Kory's powers against her. In the end though . . through the pain . . Buddy comes to a realization. "Maybe I'm no longer the man I thought I was. Maybe I'm 'only' human, with limits, going through a rough time, just like everybody else. But even if I don't have super-powers, I still have a choice. Curl up and die. Or live what's left of my life." They don't beat up the bad guys so much as knock them down long enough for them to escape. Buddy picks up the battered Kory and teleports straight to his home. Where he finds his wife and kids waiting for him. Meanwhile, Prismatik, who wants to make a name for herself, has sent out an emergency summons to the League of Titans. I think she's going to try to take them all on. I really enjoyed this story by Gerry Conway and Chris Batista. And I gotta' say, part of the reason I liked it so much is because . . take away the super-heroics and costumes . . when I turned a landmark age I have to say I felt a lot like Buddy does. I felt lost and unfocused. Unsure of whether I was the person I was supposed to be, or wanted to be. My problems weren't nearly in league with Buddy's but, I also felt despair and loneliness. Even though I had plenty of loved ones all around me. It was a hard, and emotional time. But . . like Buddy . . I just kept pushing along. Eventually I figured out . . we're who we are. We're who we made ourselves to be. In the end we can't place the blame anywhere but on our own shoulders. And no one can pick us up and pull us along but ourselves. If we don't like a decision that we've made, a path that we've chosen, then . . now is as good a day as any to do something new . . make a different choice. The only limitation is ourselves. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump on that emotional soap-box, but . . this story really kind of touched home with me. Thanks, Gerry.

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