Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Echo #14 - Abstract Studio

First of all . . we find out why Ivy took off so fast when she had Julie dead to rights last issue . . her daughter, maybe sister, is sick in the hospital. Whatever it is that she's got, the antibiotics seem to be slowing the progress, but she's lost her hearing. She at the hospital watching over her, but her assistant (?) calls her to keep her up to date. She took a toothbrush from Julie's house, and then one later from the motel. The DNA tests on each turned up remarkably different. On the first brush everything appears normal. Later in the hotel, the brush has 2 sets of DNA. Not from two people, but . . "One woman, 2 sets of DNA. Somehow the DNA of a second woman has invaded the DNA of the first. And get this . . the cancer markers in the first woman have vanished. She wasn't sick . . they're just genetic markers. But, they were there, and now they're gone." I'm thinking it's Annie, the girl who was testing the suit for HenRi. However, this gives Ivy an awful lot to think about. Including . . she's got a couple of the pellets that fell to the ground at Moon Lake. I'm thinking that she's now contemplating whether she could . . or even would . . consider using them to cure her daughter. Meanwhile, back at HenRi . . there's a new hot-shot Asian scientist who's discovered a way to render the alloy inert. Basically he bombards it with protons and then . . "The influx of protons caused a brief inversion of mass. Dark Matter Mr. Foster. For an instant, I turned your alloy into dark matter. When the protons dispersed, the matter returned to a positive state . . but now the unstable alloy, with it's volatile atomic number, is merely a viscous liquid. The beta suit is no more." Of course it turns the subject wearing the alloy into the same gelatinous mass, but . . who's knocking the results. Also Dillon and Julie have made it back to Moon Lake and her house. But there's 2 things she doesn't know . . first Pam, her sister, escaped the hospital and is now sleeping on one of her beds. Secondly, HenRi has he house under surveillance and now knows that she has returned. So the issue ends with them heading towards the house, proton gun in tow. Right now Julie really only has 2 chances. One is if Ivy does what she thinks is right, instead of what she's being paid to do. And the other is a scientist from HenRi who's beginning to realize just how far off-track this project has become. I really like this book. Terry Moore is one hell of a writer. I can't believe how far we've come in just 14 issues. I believe the first 10 or 12 issues are already out in 2 TPBs. You should definitely check them out . . if you can.

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