Thursday, November 26, 2009

the Invincible Iron Man #20 - Marvel

Well . . Tony Stark / Iron Man has fallen into the pit. He's finally reached the bottom and has nowhere to go . . but up. The question is . . he's counting on those around him to bring him back . . do they even want to? He is, when it comes down to it, a cold heartless bastard afterall. He's used and abused anyone who has ever known or worked for him. And . . he's run a multi-national conglomerate that has supplied weapons to every side of every war for the past 50 years. Is that someone they should bring back into the world? And as Pepper asks, 'I don't . . I don't . . I don't understand why . . after so many people got hurt . . after everybody died at Stamford, and Stane and the Invasion and . . and . . and after Steve and Bill and . . and after Happy all died . . why is it Tony that gets to come back? Why is it that Tony Stark is the one that gets everything back again?' This story has 2 fronts. In the hospital Bucky, Blake, Pepper and Maria are all trying to decide if they should even help Tony return. He's left instructions on how the MK 1616 is supposed to work . . how they can use it to basically reboot him. Meanwhile, in his own head, Tony is trying to figure out his own way of coming back. He doesn't know that . . he thinks he's just reliving a moment over and over again. But . . he's trying to dig his way through psychic barriers . . literally . . and metaphorically. Meanwhile, Norman Osborn has rescinded his bounty on Tony Stark. He's more than happy that he's a vegetable now, and would rather see him prolongedly suffer than to end it quickly for him. At least that's what he's telling everyone. But . . somehow Emma is involved. And we don't know what that's all about yet. However, Madame Masque knows that something is wrong and has asked the Ghost to help her kill Tony. Norman's orders be damned. In the back of the book we get a synopsis of Tony's activities for the last few years. Kind of like the Moon Knight Saga book that came out between titles . . to catch the reader up. Except . . this one is contained within the book. It was a was for them to charge $3.99 for this book. Thanks for that. Anyways, if you're not a follower of Iron Man, this'll bring you right up to date. They even have a page at the end for suggested chronology of reading. You know . . if you wanted to catch up . . or dig your heals in. I think that's great, but I don't like being charged extra for the book. Anyways, despite that little headache . . I think Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca are doing a fantastic job here. Obviously Tony will be back, but . . I think it's going to be one hell of a road getting him there. I can't wait to see what Matt has in store for us.

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