Thursday, November 26, 2009

Blackest Night #5 - DC

I've said this over and over again, but still . . wow! What a powerful book. First of all the Lanterns of all the various spectrums have finally gotten thier delegation together. . Hal/Green, Sinestro/Yellow, Saint Walker/Blue, Atrocitus/Red, Star Sapphire/Purple, Indigo 1/Indigo and Larfleeze/ Orange. Secondly, it appears that all of the action will be taking place in Central City . . with millions of dead rising from the graves. We also know that Dove, with her white light, is somehow intimately connected to all of this. But . . she hasn't arrived yet. So when the various Lanterns decide to make their assault upon the Black Power Battery . . she's not there to help. I think that may be a problem. And, despite all the action in this book . . and there's quite a lot, the thing I like the most is all of the information that we're given. I'm not going to attempt to give it to you in any specific order, but . . this is what we've learned this issue . . Larfleeze's hunger is a direct result of the power he receives from the Orange light. However, Saint Walker can reduce that hunger when he's in his proximity. Nekron claims that everyone is connected to the Black Light because eventually everyone dies. And therein lies Nekron's power. Somehow the Flash . . all of them, are a determining factor in all of this also. We don't know any specifics yet, but it has to do with Barry dying and then coming back, and I think the Speed-Force is involved also. Jean grabs up Ray and Mera and shrinks them down into the ring attached to Damage's hand. Apparently that's a story for another time. The Lanterns also learn that they've been duped by the Guardians. Well . . they don't actually know that yet, but they're finding out. When they try to destroy the Black Power Battery, they find out that all the power that they're shoving into it is actually increasing Nekron's power and hold. Even Donna, who is just marginally a Black Lantern because of the bite she received, begins to feel the effects almost immediately. With his increased power, Nekron brings Bruce back from the dead and somehow his emotional connection with all of these heroes allows him to send out black rings that begin to kill them and then make them 'RISE!'. As soon as he does so . . Nekron dismisses him. 'You have served your purpose, "Bruce Wayne". Back to rest. Connection severed.' The issue ends with most of the League being turned into Black Lanterns, and 2 more rings heading specifically towards Hal and Barry. I also thought that Nekron's dialogue was interesting. 'Your death was the first, Barry Allen of Earth. And your rebirth the last. So says Nekron.' Whatever that means. And later on he tells them . . 'Many of you died, but you came back. And though some have questioned why they escaped death, you all failed to realize you did not escape death. You are still connected to it. To me. I put myself between you and everlasting death. I allowed your numerous resurrections. You will help me expose the Guardians' greatest secret and return this universe to a place of quiet, dark order.' So basically we've learned that everyone who died and came back . . Superman, Connor, Buddy Baker, Tora, Diana, Ollie, Bart, etc, etc . . they've all been connected to Nekron this whole time. He could've taken them anytime he wanted. But now . . now that all the Guardians and Lanterns and heroes have gathered . . now he's decided to make his move. Now we're going to find out what Nekron's ultimate plan is. But not this issue. This issue ends with everyone being converted and it looking like all is lost. I thought this was a fantastic issue . . as always. First of all I loved Ivan Reis' and Rodolfo Migliari's covers. They were simply fantastic. Also Ivan does an incredible job with the interiors of this book. Everything looks and flows incredibly, and I can't believe the sheer number of characters that he illustrates throughout these pages. It's overwhelming. The guy is definitely going to need a vacation when this is all over. And finally, the brains behind the whole thing . . Geoff Johns is a genius. I can't believe the magnitude of the story that he's created here. He's quite literally changing the foundation of the entire DC Universe. The story he's created here is incredible, and . . I don't even think that we've gotten all the pertinent information yet. I still think the Anti-Monitor is somehow connected to all of this even though I don't have a single clue to support that. I just think we haven't seen that part of the story yet. Anyways, we still have a couple of months to go, so . . a lot can happen. And as we've learned from Geoff thus far . . a lot probably will happen that we don't even suspect . . yet! I know this is cliche, but . . I think the best is yet to come.

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