Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wolverine Origins #41 - Marvel

Logan meets up with the Hulk this issue. But this time . . he's looking for him. Here's what we got . . Logan figured out Romulus' plan last issue. Romulus apparently wants someone to take over for him. He wants to give away the keys to the kingdom. So all of this fighting . . all of this bloodshed between the various participants of Weapon X, has all been orchestrated by Romulus. A contest . . survival of the fittest, if you will. However, the only 2 worth of the throne . . or left standing, are Logan and Daken. Logan doesn't want the throne. Daken does, but in order to get it he'll have to eliminate Logan. Daken doesn't have a problem with that. Logan does. Logan also knows that Romulus has manipulated and coerced so much of his life, that no matter what plan he comes up with . . Romulus will see it coming from a mile away. So, he has to think outside of the box. To do that, he goes to another source. This source tells him, if he can't destroy the kind . . destroy the throne. So that's what he's set off to do. His first stop? To catch up with Bruce Banner. But Bruce is trying to stay away from all things Hulk. Well . . everything except for his son, Skaar. Skaar gives him a beat-down, and then kicks him into the next state. Logan lands on top of a tree, and a father and son out in the woods see him. The father is willing to help, he doesn't care that he's a mutant. But the son? The son doesn't trust Logan, and he worries for his father's safety. So he calls the police. They contact the FBI. And they contact . . Romulus. Which at the end of this issue is all bearing down on him. But . . Bruce has also decided to help. It'll be interesting to see what Logan has in mind. What does he mean . . destroy the throne? Hmm! This should be interesting. Plus I'm wondering just what it is that Bruce can do for him. After all this time we finally saw Romulus last issue. Now we'll have to see just what he's capable of. Daniel Way again writes a thrilling story. I especially like the interaction between Logan and Bruce. Doug Braithwaite does the pencils. We're 41 issues into this book, and every issue still leaves me wanting more.

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