Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vigilante #11 - DC

With only 1 more issue to go in this series . . now Walt Simonson steps in on pencils. Well . . actually it's Walt and John Paul Leon both doing the art. But Walt's been contributing covers the whole time . . why not use his talent on the inside? It might've made this series a little more appealing . . and marketable. Anyways, this issue was about an innocent by-stander, Gerry Gray, who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was in Venice with his wife when he heard gun-shots. Being a journalist, his first instinct was to run towards the commotion and see if he could get pictures, or a story. Even though his wife told him not to. This was his first encounter with the Vigilante. His wife ends up getting shot in the shoulder, and while he's trying to console her, she gets shot in the head. Vigilante didn't do it, but Gerry still blames him. So he spends the next couple of years running around Europe, trying to get a lead on the Vigilante and figure out who he is. Then a year ago, after getting shot in Belgium, he ends up back in New York City. And . . he crosses paths with the Vigilante again. Only this time he's just got questions. Which Vigilante kind of gives him answers to. Long story short, Gerry was a hack-journalist when he left New York. Now, with this experience and the passion he's given to this pursuit, he decides to write everything down. He takes it to his old boss, who fired him as a reporter. He refuses to rehire him as a reporter, but tells him, 'This, this is what writing's all about. It's honest and it's filled with passion. And more important, it's something only you could have written. You learned. A damn hard way to learn, but you learned. And this, it's brilliant. Maybe Pulitzer Prize brilliant. So, if you're now asking me do I have a place where you can be yourself and tell you story the way you have to . . Hell yeah! Welcome home!' I liked this story about Gerry, and we got a little info on what Vigilante was up to while in Europe. The plug for next issue says, 'All your questions are answered!' Yeah! It's about time. I thought Marv Wolfman did a great job with this issue. And next issue will probably be even better. But . . it'll also be the last. Which is a shame. But, that doesn't mean this is the last we've seen of this character. I'm sure he's going to pop up somewhere. We'll just have to wait and see.


  1. just read the whole run today
    very good and overlooked title
    i like the wrap up and can not wait for your review

  2. another thing after reading this in one straight sitting
    this will probably read much better
    as a collected edition
    lots of intricate stuff from issue to issue
    that would be a bit hard to follow inbetween
    reading dozens of other titles from month to month

  3. ps
    love the search feature
    i can read all of your reviews of a title with one glance
    you have a great blog

  4. Thanks for reading! I should be getting to #12 in a day or 2. I'm not sure why Vigilante has had such a problem of catching on. Maybe people compare him to the Punisher or something. This is his third, maybe fourth (?) title, and I've liked them all. Anyways . . I'm glad you like the blog!
