Thursday, October 15, 2009

Titans #18 - DC

As with the recent previous issues, this one also focus' on one team member. This time . . Raven's up to bat. Most of the issue is spent with her fighting her fellow siblings. Yes the Sons of Trigon are back. They never really went anywhere, they just haven't shown up lately. But the main thing that comes out of this story . . for me at least, is the feeling that Raven still has that she's alone. After all this time with the Titans, her 'new' family, she still a lot of times feels like the 'outsider' of the group. Which, when you think about it, is sad because they all obviously love her very much. It ends up being Gar and his conversation with her that seems to have the most impact. He's getting ready to head off to the West Coast. He's recently seen himself as a mentor for the younger group, and I think he's kind of excited about that new role. Plus, with how close he is to Cyborg I'm sure that'll help Vic with keeping tabs on what's going on out there. Anyways, Raven is still convinced that the reason he's leaving is because the 'broke up'. Even though they were never really together. Plus she's worried about what'll happen if more of the team chooses to leave. But Gar tells her, 'You're only alone as you chose to be. Don't be a strange for too long, ok? You've got no excuse not to visit. You are and always will be . . my friend. It's from a movie. Maybe you should come to movie night and find out.' The issue ends with her realized that Gar's words truer than he even knows. So now she asks herself, 'Where do I go from here?' According to the previews . . it looks like she's heading to the West Coast also. I guess Gar's words made some impact. Most of these issues have been written by various writers, with this one is by Bryan Q Miller who's also doing Batgirl, and has done a few issues for the younger team. I thought it was a great story. He really touches into the emotions of this character. After all this time, almost 30 years, we still know so very little about her. Also Angel Unzueta's pencils were fantastic. I'm guessing we're doing to solo books to get us through the whole Blackest Night thing. The next couple of issue are on Roy and Donna. And then, with issue #21, it looks like they're going to start putting this team back together again. Even in their low points, the Titans, all of it's characters, hold a special place in my heart.

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