Thursday, October 15, 2009

JSA vs Kobra #5 - DC

This was another para-military style book . . at least that's how the story was approached, by Eric Trautmann. Like I said in the Shield #2, these are the perfect kind of stories for him. He seems to have a real knack for writing stories that involve rules of engagement, strategies and disciplined attacks and measures. He has a way of giving them a true, honest feel. I was a little confused at first because Mr Terrific is jumping into action. I thought that was a pretty quick recupperation after his stabbing. But then I realized that happened over in JSA. So this story probably takes place before that. He didn't seem to be slowing down at all here. Anyways, the JSA decide to go on the offensive this issue and are trying to take the fight to Jason Burr, the guy who's leading Kobra. They seem to be making some headway, but . . Michael's still asking himself if they're not just playing into Jason's hand again. Which is probably a good call because as much progress as they're making, Jason doesn't seem all that concerned. He sacrifices his second in command this issue, Ariadne Persakis. But it all kind of seems for naught. When the JSA attack the Kobra base at Dragon Island, in Spain, she's there. But she goes down rather quickly. It seems the transformation that Jason put her through is killing her on a cellular level. She doesn't battle Mr Terrific for long before she becomes completely unraveled . . literally. And again Jason isn't overly concerned. This was, afterall one of his brother's bases. But during the battle, Michael's t-spheres do get a lot on Jason's teleportation frequencies. So they'll be ready when he jumps again. The problem is . . I think he's already at his ultimate target . . Washington DC. 'I wonder if you can hear it, Mr Terrific? The last hitching gasps of humanity? The death rattle of the failed experiment that is mankind? Soon. There will be fire. There will be blood. There will be purity. And rebirth. Not long now.' One more issue and this all wraps up. Maybe! I also have a feeling that this is all just the beginning of the story. The beginning of the new, greater threat that is Kobra. I think the JSA will probably win this battle, but . . I'm also sure the war is long from over. I thought it was a great book by Eric. And Don Kramer and Neil Edwards did a great job with the art. I'm looking forward to issue #6.

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