Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ultimate Spider-man #133 - Marvel

This was a fantastic ending. There's no dialogue in this book, so really, the feeling and emotions between the characters is left to the interpretation of the reader. It appears that Peter is dead, but . . we don't really know that for sure. It seems pretty obvious, but . . he could just be buried under some rubble and he hasn't regained consciousness yet. Hey! It's a possibility. The issue starts out with the explosion at the spot where Peter and the Hulk were at the end of the previous issue. Remember, all those demons and things were there also that had escaped from Doctor Strange's home, so . . maybe Peter just got transported to another dimension. Anyways, the female Spider-man/woman/girl, whom I assume is Peter's clone, sees what happens and tries to find him. But a flaming, insanely raging Hulk is also on the scene, so I think her survival is the first priority. Eventually she eludes him, but it's mostly due to the fact that some helicopters are giving him a hard time. His focus has shifted. When she goes back to search, she finds Kitty there also. She tries to give her a hug, but Kitty goes intangible. Kitty doesn't actually know who she is, even if she does have Peter's memories. But, even though they're strangers, they recognize that there are people in need and they work together to get as many to safety as possible. The helicopters show up again and do the rest. Together they begin their search anew, but then the waters that flowed out flow back in again. All they find is Peter's Spider-man mask. The issue ends with Gwen, MJ and Kenny returning to Aunt May's house in Queens. Even though May's concerned about Peter, I think she's still relieved that these 3 children are ok. But then Kitty approaches. She's carrying the only thing she could find . . . Peter's mask. I thought this was a great issue, and I loved every panel of it. Brian Bendis did a fantastic job with the story and Stuart Immonen's art is incredible. I do have 1 question though. It's not a complaint. Just a clarification. How can Peter be dead if he's still finishing up his adventure in Ultimatum? Anyways, we still have Ultimate Spider-man: Requiem #1 on July 15th, and then . . on August 5th . . Ultimate Comics Spiderman #1. It's by Brian Bendis, and David LaFuente. And is boasts, " . . a new supporting cast, new villains and maybe even a new Spider-man, this chapter will keep you guessing . . . you've never seen a Spider-man like this before!" Which is probably why they don't have an image of the cover yet. It should be a very interesting summer.

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