Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Batman Confidential #30 - DC

I actually liked this story-line quite a bit. It's a bit cliched . . a cop that goes bad because he lost someone in his life . . but, I think the Joker added an interesting twist to the whole thing. Overall, I think Andrew Kreisberg did an effectual job writing it. That is . . right up until the resolution. That part, I didn't buy it all that much. First he tries to get his ex-partner to shoot him. He realizes what an animal . . a monster, that he has become. But, he can't kill himself. Why? I'm not sure. I never really understood that. But, that's why he went after the Police Academy. He knew that it would bring his ex-partner out, and he was counting on him shooting him. However, I think the ex-partner thing worked against him, because in the end . . he just couldn't do it. So, then he goes after the Commissioner. He figured that if he threatened his family, he'd have no other choice. He gets the drop on Jim, but then a young Barbara picks up a gun and is threatening to shoot Bad-Cop as he holds a knife to her father's neck. Of course, at the exact right moment, Batman shows up and talks him down. He talks about how he used to be a good cop, and how his hard work had helped his partner solve another case that saved a little girl much like Barbara. He also tells him that if he forces her to shoot him, he's going to scar and change her for the rest of her life. Yada, yada, yada. Anyways, the psychological treatment works because he drops his knife and gives up. Overall . . not very dramatic. We also find out that Barbara was actually holding a fake gun that had fallen off a nearby game. I don't know. I just didn't really like the way it all played out at the end. It just seems like there could've been something a little more dramatic . . suspenseful. However, at the end, when Batman goes to check on Shancoe at Arkham, he finds 2 dead guards in the cell next to him. It was obviously done by the Joker, and he's got a message for Batman written on the wall in their blood . . "Dear Batty, Wasn't Bad Cop a hoot!?! Hope U had fun. See U at the next chalk outline!!!  XXOO   Joker" So, I guess in the end, this wasn't even really all about Bad-Cop. After all, Joker had goaded him into his actions. I think this was all really about the Joker and how he could ultimately effect the Batman's life, even though he's incarcerated. To that end . . I bought it, and I liked it. And I like that it left their relationship unresolved . . as always. Scott McDaniel does the art this issue. I like this book, and the way it handles these Batman stories. Hopefully, it won't go away any time soon.

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