Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Final Crisis Aftermath - Escape #2 - DC

This story is either very complicated, or . . very confusing. I haven't really figured out which yet. But, I enjoy Nemesis' character, along with Amanda Waller and Rick Flag, so . . I'm patient enough to wait and see what happens. The part I'm confused about is . . I'm not sure if this is a dream, a hallucination or is somehow Amanda Waller has figured out how to play with the time-pool. It almost suggests that Nemesis, Tom Tresser, was captured a while ago and someone else has been filling in for him. Which would make sense, considering this is an extension of Final Crisis. Maybe Darkseid had him replaced to obtain information . . a mole. Or . . Nemesis had assumed someone else's identity, under the orders of Waller, and had done so for so long that he forgot who he was. And if that's the case, I'm thinking it may have been Flag. The only reason I'm saying that is because he sees, and talks to Rick the whole issue, but at the end you find out that Rick was never really there. Then when I went back to look over it, it's apparent that Rick isn't interacting with anyone else. It just looks like he's in those scenes, but no one else is acknowledging him. The reason I even brought up the time-pool is because there's a scene . . a dream, or hallucination, I don't know . . where Tom is pulling someone out of what appears to be a time-pool. It's a younger version of himself. And then the scene switches and it's an older version of himself. Or, maybe it's a younger and older version of Flag. I'm not sure. They kind of look alike. So . . like I said, it's all a bit confusing. Or, it could be some intricately fabricated plot-threads. We just don't know how they're all connected yet. Either way . . it's piqued my interest, and I want to know more. Overall it was in interesting story by Ivan Brandon and Marco Rudy.

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