Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Strange Adventures #4 - DC

This issue we find out that the Synarr that Adam, Comet and Eye have been talking to is actually a Synarr from the future. Apparently, because of the meld of their identities . . Synarr and the Weird . . he is powerless in this time period. But there are events that are happening here that can still affect him in the future. Already the identities of the Aberrant Six have been changed. Hawkman is no longer part of that enigmatic group, but it appears that Bizarro may be. Also the stars that are disappearing out of the sky have something to do with the Synnar/Weird combination. It appears that there's an alternate reality that's possible where the Weird retains Synarr's powers and destroys the universe. Synarr claims that he's trying to prevent that from happening. They go to Hardcore station and retrieve the body of the Weird, who now talks exactly like Synnar. And then they go to the dark zone . . that place in space where the stars are disappearing. They aren't there long before they're confronted by multiple copies of the Weird, and they see his 'eyes' in the sky . . "YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE! DEPART IMMEDIATELY! OR YOU WILL BE DESTROYED!" This group just always seems to go from bad to worse. In the back-up we see a little more of Bizarro's fight on Hardcore, but really the story serves to give us some history and background on Lady Styx. She's recently returned and has noticed that Synarr has done so also. "When next Synnar and I cross paths, I shall crush him! And his plans I will derail! Lady Styx will have her sweet revenge!" Again, my hats off to Jim Starlin for an incredible intricate and complex story-line. I love what he's doing here and how he's trying to tie together all these various 'outer-space' characters that have been floating around the DC Universe for years. This is his perfect medium . . and he seems to be encouraged in it. Jim has been traveling down this path for a couple of years now. I couldn't be happier. Manuel Garcia does a great job with the art on the main story, and I actually like Rafael Albuquerque's interpretations in the back-up. I can't wait to see where we end up at the end of this one.

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