Monday, January 15, 2007

Wetworks #3 - Wildstorm

Ok, so far Colonel Dane only has Persephone, a vampire and an excellent fighter, and AB-Death. They're chasing after the Blood Box. Apparently some scientists were doing some experiments, trying to fish through the bleed into other dimensions. They came upon a place called Thea Mater. A dimension not unlike our own, but apparently overrun with Vampires and Demons. That's where the Blood Box, and Vascar came from. Vascar is some kind of hybrid Vampire who is trying to do the Blood Box's bidding. And right now it's asking for body parts. Lots of them. Dane was also trying to get Rachel Rhodes, the Mother One Cyborb, rebooted to help him out. He failed, but after he left, she got herself rebooted, and did her own repairs. Talk about determination. We don't really know what Blood Box and Vascar are up to, yet, but, they're doing a lot of killing and dismembering in the process. When it just about looks like Vascar is about to take out Dane and his team, Rachel and Detective Ashe, also from Thea Mater, apparently, show up to chase him off. But he was going to leave soon anyways. Whatever it was that he needed to make the Blood Box happy, I guess he got enough of it. At the end of the book, Ashe takes everyone to Thea Mater to show them what's really going on. Great start to a new book. But with Mike Carey writing, I knew I'd like it. Also Whilce Portacio has jumped right back in. Great looking pages.

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