Saturday, January 13, 2007

Warlord #10 - DC

First props to Phil Winslade for such an awesome cover. It really captures the look and the feel of the Warlord. Secondly, I want to say that I'm really disappointed, because this may very well be the last issue of the Warlord. Say it isn't so!!! Everybody should send messages to DC and tell them how much we love this series. We've all been waiting for years to finally get some new adventures from Travis and company, only to have it cut short after a mere 10 issues. Is there no justice? Is there no vision? Is there no one else out there reading my blogs or this series? I can't believe that. And I really felt that Bart Sears' style for this book, was adapting well. How can we stop this injustice? Warlord has been one of my favorite comics since it's inception. Granted I probably didn't start reading it until, somewhere between issues #20 to #30. But, I went back, got them all, and have been a fan ever since. Yes I'll always have the Mike Grell look in my head, but I thought that Bruce Jones and Bart Sears were doing quite nicely. Plus it was good just to see the Warlord back. So now I have no Mike Grell, and no Warlord. And on top of that, our story about Shamballah and Regine, Brovis, Alexa, Terry and Tara has been left undone. This issue was a story plucked out of the Warlords rich history, which is fine, but it wasn't an extension of the previous 9 issues. This was a stand alone issue. Please, I'm begging, don't let the Warlord drift into obscurity! Please!!!

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