Saturday, January 06, 2007

Conner Hawke - Dragon's Blood #1 DC

After the recent stories in Green Arrow, this book was the next logical extension of that franchise. After all he is Ollie's son. And he already has such a rich history. Chuck Dixon is writing it, which is fantastic and Derec Donovan is drawing. The arts ok, but it's nothing to get to excited about. I couldn't do it, but I do like certain styles. Anyways, it seems that someone, Zhao Industies, is putting together an archery competition in Shanghai. It seems that's there's an old story about a dragon that was unleashed on the earth. When it was defeated by an archer, "It's final hot breath made a desert of the land for a day's ride in any direction. The fall of it's body broke the earth into the six continents. The impact made the ocean waves." So it seems that there's always going to be an oriental edge to Conner's story. Anyways it goes around the world showing all the people they're gathering up, and the final one is Lady Shado. Seems like an interesting story. We'll have to wait an issue or two though to see where the story is going. But with Chuck on scripts, it should be an interesting ride. I let you know what I think.

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