Saturday, January 20, 2007

Exiles Annual #1 - Marvel

This really is one of my favorite Marvel books. Well, you know, besides the Ultimate ones. But, I like this one, because they shake things up all the time. The only consistency, is that there is no consistency. That is so cool!! And the premise of this particular issue is pretty neat. Basically, an alternate Game Master type character, has set up a bet with the Game Master of our universe. He wants to get control of the Crystal Palace. So he sets himself up as the Time Broker of a different reality. And then searches that reality for all the same members of the Exiles that were in it when they defeated him. Way back when. Of course when this would shows up on the monitor screens in the palace, they just have to go find out what's going on. Basically it's a trap, and this new Game Master thinks that he has the deck stacked. But our team is actually quite good. They suss out what's going on, and bring the thing to a head pretty quick. They actually die too. But our Game Master brings them back. The whim's of the gods. What are ya' going to do? Anyways, I really liked this book. Except for one thing. Tom Raney does the art, and I really like his style. I'm reading the book and I'm all excited. And then I hit the last 7 pages. All the artwork just falls straight to hell. Obviously there's a second person that finishes the art for the book. But it's just childish. Huge difference to Tom Raney's stuff. If he drew the whole rest of the book, why couldn't he finish the last seven pages? I was severely disappointed in the ending. Not in the story, but in the art. There's really no excuse for this.

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