Monday, January 22, 2007

Robin #157 - DC

This issue Robin gets introduced to Klarion. By way of his cat, Teekl. Robin finds this cat in the beginning of the issue, and by trying to take care of it, find it's owner, and basically following around whenever it takes off, he's taken from one bad incident to another. Finally, in what I'm guessing is Teekl's true form, he thrashes Robin royally. As he's laying on the ground trying to get his bearings, and recover, Klarion comes upon him and says, "Excuse me. I'm missing my cat. White and orange? He answers to Teekl. From the looks of you, i'm guessing you've seen him." That's putting it midly. So Robin doesn't really know what Klarion's all about yet, but I'm guessing he'll be fully informed by the end of next issue. Great art by Frazer Irving. And I think Adam Beechen is really starting to have fun with this character.

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