Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Metal Men #6 - DC

I'll tell you what . . on the "cluster-scale" . . this book is definitely out there. I know that by the end it's all going to come together . . it actually kind of is, as we're moving along here. But, with the quantity of ideas presented in this title . . sometimes it's just a little hard to keep up. I think, by the end of this series, the Metal Men that we've come to know and love, are going to be completely redefined. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Their premise and existence has always been kind of . . simple minded. So I really think all Duncan Rouleau, with the help of Grant Morrison, has done here is expound upon the foundation that was already there. They've just given it a little more explanation and reason. Scientifically, now, it's sounds plausible if not feasible. But the irony, I think, lies in the fact that the reason the responsometers work isn't entirely science based. It also has a large part to do with sorcery or, more specifically, alchemy. Which is funny because Will reveres science above all else. And now, he's going to have to admit, that there's something else out there. His brother, David, is trying to stop them from ever being created. He's seen the future and in his eyes the Metal Men are the damnation of the human race. But I think there's more to it than that. I don't think we know the whole story yet. This issue Will lost David in the time-stream, but I really don't think that's the last we've seen of him either. Like I said in the beginning, there's a lot of fantastic ideas being presented and thrown about here. And it is all gradually coming in to focus. But until it does . . it does seem like an awful big cluster. But, it keeps me coming back every month, so I can't complain to much. Who knew Duncan Rouleau was this incredible?

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