Friday, March 14, 2008

Robin #171 - DC

This issue is mainly to teach us a little more about Violet. She's the new vigilante around town. She's actually got a kind of Robin Hood thing going on. The money's she steals are usually from criminals, or money that has already been pilfered. We don't learn about her personally, but, I think she may be this Pristine Hale that works at the shelter at the church. I could be wrong, but that's my guess. We don't see anything of Spoiler this issue, other than the cover. Tim thinks he gets a glimpse of her at one time, but it turns out to be nothing. And Robin is forming some kind of alliance with the cops. Or more specifically Lieutenant Detective Cavallo. Officer Harper, who's worked with him in the past, introduces them. We don't learn much of their arrangements yet, but the Detective's idea is that " . . we could help each other out on higher profile cases. Like partners . . ." Tim isn't thrilled with the idea, but he's going to play along to see what happens. Chuck Dixon is the writer, and, of course, he's continued to do a fantastic job with these stories. I really like the way he has a handle on this character. Both in his personal and professional lives. He continues to show us how hard it is for Tim to balance both. Which would definitely be the case. Chris Batista does the pencils this issue. I don't know if he's going to be on board for any amount of time, but I like the feel that he brings to the book. We'll just have to wait and see if he sticks around. Overall it was a very good issue, and I love this series.

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