Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shadowpact #22 - DC

They've brought Phil Winslade in to do the art on the last couple of issues. That's a good . . and bad thing. It's good because he's a fantastic artist. I mean, look at that cover. It's incredible. The bad thing is, it seems like on these sword and sorcery books, he always seems to come in at the end. So, if that holds true, this book is probably done for. And that would be sad. But don't get to upset because right now, that's purely speculation. I've seen the previews up to issue #25, and they haven't mentioned anything about it being the final story-arc or anything. I'm just speculating, and commenting, based on previous performance. I could be wrong. I actually hope that I am. Anyways our team finally comes together, in Myrra, to fight the un-bound. The Enchantress and Laura caused a breach from our side which enabled them to get across. The problem is, the un-bound were trying to get through from the Myrra side, so they're ready to invade our Earth. Long story short, they beat the un-bound. Basically they introduce a virus, of sorts, in to their programming. But the bad news is, Nightmaster decides to stay behind to help Myrra rebuild. He feels that he owes them that. Plus, he really digs the adventure. But now Shadowpact if left leaderless and they still have to go up against Dr Gotham and the Fire King. I really hope I am wrong, because I like this book. There's no real sword & sorcery books out there right now. And I like the feel of this one. But . . we'll see. I hope they can withstand the market.

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