Sunday, March 23, 2008

the Boys #16 - Dynamite Entertainment

We got some background in to 2 stories this month. First we see that The Female is tracking someone down. But we don't really find out while. The girl doesn't talk much. You know? So I'm not sure if she's following a target, or . . . maybe, this is her father, or something. I know. It's far-fetched. But really, all I have is speculation right now. The majority of the story though is spent on the conversation between Wee Hughie and Annie. Neither really knows what the other does, but . . they've taken a shine to each other, none-the-less. But he's got other things on his mind also. Last issue Butcher told him that the Blarney Cock was back in town. Or action, or whatever. Actually, he's more like a super-powered vegetable, right now. Something about the drug they take makes it easy to revive the body. But, once the mind's gone . . it's gone. After some surveillance, though, he decides to meet up with Annie for a drink. Which is not something that she normally does. She gets plastered and invites him up to her room. "Listen, love, if I ever take advantage 0' you it'll be because you're drunk or emotionally vulnerable . . but no' both, all right?" Also, somehow, the Frenchman is mixed up with this thing with the Female. Or . . at least, he knows that she's up to something and he's trying to stop her from making a bad decision. Or the wrong one. Whatever she's going after this guy for . . it's not for the group. It seems more personal. I kind of thought the cover scene would be what would happen when the Teenage Kix found Hughie spying on their house. But actually, it's the men that the Female and the Frenchman are up against. Maybe we'll finally get a little more information about this character. We're up to issue #16, and we've barely seen her at all. Anyways, this was a good issue. It was really kind of a fill-in issue, but it is the second part of the Wee Hughie story-line. Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson still seem to be very much in control of their characters here.

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