Saturday, February 24, 2007

Welcome to Tranquility #2 - Wildstorm

I didn't mention it last time, but it's good to see Neil Googe out there in the comic scene again. I don't know how many of you got to see Bazooka Jules, but it was a pretty cool book. This one is nothing like that one, but it does show Neil in all his "quirky" indulgence. This issue we're still investigating the death of Mr. Articulate. At the end of last issue, we were convinced that it was Emoticon. But after he and the Sheriff talked this issue, we're not so sure. After all, Emoticon can't really control his expressions, so therefore can't really lie. Also there's the fact that Mr. A actually died of cancer. Colon cancer we think, according to the M.E.. But he had "numerous large lesions throughout the chest and abdominal cavities and viscera including the liver, spleen, lung and pancreas consistent with a metastatic cancer." So while he may have had cancer, it seems that he was killed by someone who could make that process proceed more rapidly than normal. This particular issue kind of put me in mind of Eureka. You know, that series on the Sci-fi channel about the town of Eureka, and all it's scientific advancements, but actually it's about the very normal Sheriff that watches over it. I kind of got the exact same feel out of this book. Maybe it's just the way Gail wrote this particular issue, but that's the way it felt to me. Anyways, still a good book. Love the writing. And the artistic style is awesome.

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