Monday, February 05, 2007

52 - Week Thirty Three - DC

This is 52's holiday issue. Ralph and Fate are in the Flash museum. Drinking and reminiscing. Actually, Ralph wanted to go there to get his gun. Nightwing is still trying to hit on the new Batwoman. Dick still doesn't know that she's gay. Luthor is upset because one of his Everyman patients seems to be dying. But also because he has been turned down, yet again, as an Everyman recipient. He's not good at dealing with rejection or failure. But, he still wants to butter up to his home grown team, Infinity Inc., so he's bought them all brand new cars for Christmas. It seems that he does get rewarded for good deeds, as the recipient who was dying has turned around. "Some . . . . X-factor in his body is spontaneously adapting to the everyman process. It's a Christmas miracle." To which Luthor immediately responds to the doctor, "Something inside the boy opened the door to the possibility of genetic adaptation. Do a full organ harvest and spinal drain on Luis, draft a glowing obituary, and have his parents compensated for their tragic loss." I think Luthor wants to use this boys miracle, to create one for himself. Renee and Charlie have been holed up in Kate's, Batwoman, apartment ever since they left Nada Parabat. Also Charlies cancer has been eating him up more and more ever since they left. But they had to, to stop the prophecy from the that foretold Kate's murder. They stopped that, but then Charlie was to far gone for them to go back. Kate and Renee then share an intimate moment. We also get a glimpse at every couple, that we follow, throughout the DC universe as they each have their own Christmas moment. Finally we see the Black Adam Family as they try to convince the world that they are just as human as the rest of them. But now Amanda Waller has a Suicide Squad team ready to go after them. It's like a big soap opera. We get to see all our favorite characters and their struggles and how they're going to get out of them this week. Love this book. But, we're down to 19 issues. So sad!

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