Monday, February 05, 2007

Guy Gardner - Collateral Damage #2 - DC

This book is 48 pages of Guy Gardner. The prattling, insensitive buffoon. He has no courtesy or respect for anyone, or anything. He doesn't feel the least bit sympathy for Gnort over the destruction of his planet Gnewt. The only reason he's even trying to help the Thanagarian or Rannian emissaries is because he's hoping that he'll get a three-way out of it. And when the Tormocks wreck his establishment, because of his Vuldarian heritage, all of his other concerns come to a screeching halt, until he can exact the revenge that he feels he deserves. Gnort informs him of a Tormock attack on a Vuldarian outpost. But, Guy is to late to save anyone. He does get there in time though to thoroughly kick some Tormock ass. There's some kind of space virus floating through the area, and the only thing that saves them is Guy's ego. His ring tells him that his species doesn't have the mental capacity to resist the assault. Well Guy gets so mad that he has to prove the ring wrong and saves everyone in the process. Gnort isn't quite as mad at him after this. And it looks as if he may get a date from the Thanagarian woman. Hey, it's Guy Gardner. This is just the sort of stuff we expect from him. If he acted more compassionate, we wouldn't recognize him. The best thing about this book though, is that it was written and drawn by Howard Chaykin. Love this guy. Both guys actually, Howard and Guy. Great book.

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