Monday, February 05, 2007

Shadowpact #8 - DC

Ok, I'll just put this out there to start with. The problem I have with fill in artists, is just that they don't seem to put their best foot forward. I like Shawn McManus. And I've seen him at his best. This wasn't even close. Don't get me wrong. It was ok. I still like his style and the emotion he puts into his characters. But, compared to other work I've seen from him, you can tell this was just a fill in. Anyways, enough of my petty complaints. I like this book. I think Bill Willingham is a fantastic scribe. And, I really like these characters. This one was, for the most part, about Ragman. Kinda' gave us a synopsis of what he's all about. We also got a history of the "rag" outfit. Where it came from and how long it's been around. It's also an eye opener, as far as how Rory feels about what he's doing. The main thing he got out of it, is that the longer the souls are trapped, the more they feel like Rory did them a favor. Look at it this way, if they had just kept up with their sinful ways, they either would have ended up in jail, or dead. Which means they would just have been judged by society, or god. No chance for redemption. This way, they have a chance to reflect on their sins, and in choosing to help Rory, have a chance at redemption. Basically, they can work off their crimes, and have a chance at a brighter afterlife. So, in a way, Rory is doing them a favor by letting them reflect on what they did, before they move on. And no the souls aren't trapped with him forever. Basically it's up to them. The sooner they work it off, and pay the world back, the sooner their slate is erased and they can move on to the next plane. Very metaphysical. So, the "Congregation" attacks them, and blinds them all. But, through this understanding that Rory's achieved, they end up defeating them, and have started to heal. Now, they just need to work on their teamwork.

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