Monday, February 05, 2007

Uncle Sam & the Freedom Fighters #6 - DC

Remember Miss America came back last issue? And she took down the Freedom Fighters like so much wheat? Well, she wasn't the real one. She turned out to be an android. Actually, it turns out, Gonzo made her. That's the android that's posing as Phantom Lady's father, and recently got elected to president. Well anyways, the real Miss America came back this issue. And she's living up to her name. We also got to see the Red Bee, and the Invisible Hood. Uncle Sam eludes that there's other Freedom Fighters out there, but he won't call on them until they're needed. Anyways, Sam and Miss America take out father time. SHADE, and Gonzo, have to come and rescue him. Actually more like scold him. Anyways, the Freedom Fighters then take off for the heartland, "Think of it as a frozen moment in time, circa 1789." Meanwhile, Black Condor has a heart to heart with Phantom Lady, and has her take him to Arizona to show her something. We see her surprise, but we don't know what it is yet. Also we find out that the Ray, is a traitor. He actually works for SHADE. This is a fantastic book. But there's only 2 more issues left. We can't just let these guys fade away after that. We need to stand up, and speak out. Give this team their own book. Please!

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