Monday, February 05, 2007

Checkmate #9 - DC

The thing that I like so much about Greg Rucka's writing style is that he doesn't dummy up his story for his readers. This is a good crime / espionage story that has a lot of characters. We have all the characters on the CheckMate side of it, but we also have the DMA, Dept. of MetaHuman Affairs, Kobra and the former JLA members that are sprinkled throughout. It helps to make for a very interesting story. This one is about an undercover agent that CheckMate had inserted into one of the Kobra cells. But, the DMA got involved, and broke up the cell before CheckMate could fully utilize his position in the group. Not to mention that it took them over a year to get him there. So, what Sasha arranges with Sarge Steel, after much heated debate, was that they would set up a prison break to help their guy, pawn 502, reestablish his cred before going back to the group. This is where the twist comes in. In order to do this, and make it look legit, they need Shadowpact's help. They want it to look like they broke loose during the prison transfer and killed at least 6 armed guards. Well now that they've accomplished that, Sasha decides she's not going to just let them move on. She wants them to help CheckMate out until, "I get what I want. Until Lucas in inside Kobra . . . . . and until I'm sure that he's safe there." But, if CheckMate can get mystical help, who's to say that Kobra can't also. Fantastic story, and great art by Jesus Saiz. This series is head and shoulders above it's previous incarnation. Hopefully, it'll stick around longer too.

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