Saturday, February 24, 2007

Superman Confidential #3 - DC

Something is screwy about this rock. Years ago the monks found it, and it sat in their monastery, until some would be king found it and decided to take it. Well now it sets in his courtyard. Well, at least it did until about 15 years ago. Then, someone in his group, after seeing all his crime, and degradation and murder, decided to put an end to it and murdered him. So now we don't know were the stone ended up. But that brings us to our story in Metropolis. This new philanthropist has moved to town, Anthony Gallo, and is trying to push Lex aside. He's also after Superman, but nobody knows that yet. As we all know, Lex is obsessed with Superman, but as of this story, he's still in the early stages. He's sending rogues out to test the man of steel, and taking film to review his performances. He's not actually up to confronting him face to face yet. Anyways there's a fundraiser at the Children's hospital, that Lex is trying to use to his advantage. However, he gets upstaged. First by Superman. And then by Anthony Gallo. Anthony sends a message about a huge donation, all he asks is that Superman picks it up. But, being the naive guy he is, Superman doesn't realize that it's a trap. It seems that Anthony is somehow connected to the rock, and he knows that it's Superman's weakness. So on the final page, as Superman is flying up on the Casino, we see him falling straight to the ground. Darwyn Cooke and Tim Sale are doing a fantastic job with this new series. I imagine it will be like JLA:Classified, where they can choose a story from anywhere in the heroes history. And I assume we'll have a different creative team on each story arc. But, I really don't know that yet. We're probably only about halfway through the first story arc. But this is another book with huge potential. Can't wait to see how they draw it out.

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